Want to try out NELIA ?
Be in touch with our team
Ask us for a demo of our application, our methodolgy and how it works easily for you.
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Improve your risk detection through coaching
Get reports and solutions after every visit !
They tested and they approve
Thibaut COLAS
Projects Director
“For 6 months now, we have been working with Igor CANONNE in order to develop and then use NELIA within my company. The path traveled since the beginning of this adventure is impressive. »
Benedict OPPBTP
Prevention adviser
"After the analysis by artificial intelligence, the coaching visit is reviewed and analyzed by a natural person (person with 10 years of experience in construction and HSE) before the debriefing with the coachee. The analysis of the application is relatively fine and very complete."
Pascaline VINCI
Prevention Director
"We have used the solution on several construction sites and with several user profiles (work supervisors, prevention officers). NELIA is a very reliable solution in terms of risk detection. It allows teams to better learn to better understand risks. on their own site.
Emilian VINCI
Civil Engineer
"It's a very concrete and very precise tool. Being coached with this solution allows us to refocus on risky situations that are no longer seen (tunnel effect).
It also gives us a new perspective and a very complete panel on risky situations."
The risk situations that we detect
Protection Gear
& lifting
Machinery & Vehicles
Fall from height
Gestures and
We accompany you
at each stage of construction